Package 'dsmmR'

Title: Estimation and Simulation of Drifting Semi-Markov Models
Description: Performs parametric and non-parametric estimation and simulation of drifting semi-Markov processes. The definition of parametric and non-parametric model specifications is also possible. Furthermore, three different types of drifting semi-Markov models are considered. These models differ in the number of transition matrices and sojourn time distributions used for the computation of a number of semi-Markov kernels, which in turn characterize the drifting semi-Markov kernel. For the parametric model estimation and specification, several discrete distributions are considered for the sojourn times: Uniform, Poisson, Geometric, Discrete Weibull and Negative Binomial. The non-parametric model specification makes no assumptions about the shape of the sojourn time distributions. Semi-Markov models are described in: Barbu, V.S., Limnios, N. (2008) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73173-5>. Drifting Markov models are described in: Vergne, N. (2008) <doi:10.2202/1544-6115.1326>. Reliability indicators of Drifting Markov models are described in: Barbu, V. S., Vergne, N. (2019) <doi:10.1007/s11009-018-9682-8>. We acknowledge the DATALAB Project <> (financed by the European Union with the European Regional Development fund (ERDF) and by the Normandy Region) and the HSMM-INCA Project (financed by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under grant ANR-21-CE40-0005).
Authors: Vlad Stefan Barbu [aut] , Ioannis Mavrogiannis [aut, cre] , Nicolas Vergne [aut]
Maintainer: Ioannis Mavrogiannis <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 1.0.6
Built: 2025-03-05 04:47:38 UTC

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dsmmR : Estimation and Simulation of Drifting Semi-Markov Models


Performs parametric and non-parametric estimation and simulation of drifting semi-Markov processes. The definition of parametric and non-parametric model specifications is also possible. Furthermore, three different types of drifting semi-Markov models are considered. These models differ in the number of transition matrices and sojourn time distributions used for the computation of a number of semi-Markov kernels, which in turn characterize the drifting semi-Markov kernel.



The difference between the Markov models and the semi-Markov models concerns the modelling of the sojourn time distributions. The Markov models (in discrete time) are modelled by a sojourn time following the Geometric distribution. The semi-Markov models are able to have a sojourn time distribution of arbitrary shape. The further difference with a drifting semi-Markov model, is that we have d+1d + 1 (arbitrary) sojourn time distributions and d+1d + 1 transition matrices (Model 1), where dd is defined as the polynomial degree. Through them, we compute d+1d + 1 semi-Markov kernels. In this work, we also consider the possibility for obtaining these semi-Markov kernels with d+1d + 1 transition matrices and 11 sojourn time distribution (Model 2) or d+1d + 1 sojourn time distributions and 11 transition matrix (Model 3).


Drifting semi-Markov processes are particular non-homogeneous semi-Markov chains for which the drifting semi-Markov kernel qtn(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l) is defined as the probability that, given at the instance tt the previous state is uu, the next state state vv will be reached with a sojourn time of ll:

qtn(u,v,l)=P(Jt=v,Xt=lJt1=u),q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l) = P(J_{t}=v,X_{t}=l|J_{t-1}=u),

where nn is the model size, defined as the length of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}} minus the last state, where JtJ_{t} is the state at the instant tt and Xt=StSt1X_{t}=S_{t}-S_{t-1} is the sojourn time of the state Jt1J_{t-1}.

The drifting semi-Markov kernel qtnq_{\frac{t}{n}} is a linear combination of the product of d+1d + 1 semi-Markov kernels qidq_{\frac{i}{d}}, where every semi-Markov kernel is the product of a transition matrix pp and a sojourn time distribution ff. We define the situation when both pp and ff are "drifting" between d+1d + 1 fixed points of the model as Model 1, and thus we will use the exponential (1)(1) as a way to refer to the drifting semi-Markov kernel qtn (1)q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (1)} and corresponding semi-Markov kernels qid (1)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)} in this case. For Model 2, we allow the transition matrix pp to drift but not the sojourn time distributions ff, and for Model 3 we allow the sojourn time distributions ff to drift but not the transition matrix pp. The exponential (2)(2) or (3)(3) will be used for signifying Model 2 or Model 3, respectively. In the general case an exponential will not be used.

Model 1

Both pp and ff are drifting in this case. Thus, the drifting semi-Markov kernel qtn (1)q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (1)} is a linear combination of the product of d+1d + 1 semi-Markov kernels qid (1)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}, which are given by:

qid (1)(u,v,l)=pid(u,v)fid(u,v,l),q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)= {p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)}{f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l)},

where for i=0,,di = 0,\dots,d we have d+1d + 1 Markov transition matrices pid(u,v)p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, and d+1d + 1 sojourn time distributions fid(u,v,l)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l). Therefore, the drifting semi-Markov kernel is described as:

qtn (1)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid (1)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) pid(u,v)fid(u,v,l),q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l),

where Ai,i=0,,dA_i, i = 0, \dots, d are d+1d + 1 polynomials with degree dd, which satisfy the conditions:

i=0dAi(t)=1,\sum_{i=0}^{d}A_{i}(t) = 1,

Ai(njd)=1{i=j},A_i \left(\frac{nj}{d} \right)= 1_{\{i=j\}},

where the indicator function 1{i=j}=11_{\{i=j\}} = 1, if i=ji = j, 00 otherwise.

Model 2

In this case, pp is drifting and ff is not drifting. Therefore, the drifting semi-Markov kernel is now described as:

qtn (2)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid (2)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) pid(u,v)f(u,v,l).q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)f(u,v,l).

Model 3

In this case, ff is drifting and pp is not drifting. Therefore, the drifting semi-Markov Kernel is now described as:

qtn (3)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid (3)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) p(u,v)fid(u,v,l).q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ p(u,v)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l).

Parametric and non-parametric model specifications

In this package, we can define parametric and non-parametric drifting semi-Markov models.

For the parametric case, several discrete distributions are considered for the modelling of the sojourn times: Uniform, Geometric, Poisson, Discrete Weibull and Negative Binomial. This is done from the function parametric_dsmm which returns an object of the S3 class (dsmm_parametric, dsmm).

The non-parametric model specification concerns the sojourn time distributions when no assumptions are done about the shape of the distributions. This is done through the function called nonparametric_dsmm(), that returns an object of class (dsmm_nonparametric, dsmm).

It is also possible to proceed with a parametric or non-parametric estimation for a model on an existing sequence through the function fit_dsmm(), which returns an object with the S3 class (dsmm_fit_parametric, dsmm) or (dsmm_fit_nonparametric, dsmm) respectively, depending on the given argument estimation = "parametric" or estimation = "nonparametric" .

Therefore, the dsmm class acts like a wrapper class for drifting semi-Markov model specifications, while the classes dsmm_fit_parametric, dsmm_fit_nonparametric, dsmm_parametric and dsmm_nonparametric are exclusive to the functions that create the corresponding models, and inherit methods from the dsmm class.

In summary, based on an dsmm object it is possible to use the following methods:

  • Simulate a sequence through the function simulate.dsmm().

  • Get the drifting semi-Markov kernel qtn(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l), for any choice of u,v,lu,v,l or tt, through the function get_kernel().


The following restrictions must be satisfied for every drifting semi-Markov model:

  • The drifting semi-Markov kernel qtn(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l), for every t{0,,n}t \in \{ 0, \dots, n \} and uEu \in E, has its sums over vv and ll, equal to 11:

    vEl=1+qtn(u,v,l)=vEl=1+Ai(t) qid(u,v,l)=1.\sum_{v \in E}\sum_{l = 1}^{+\infty}q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l) = \sum_{v \in E}\sum_{l = 1}^{+\infty}A_{i}(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) = 1.

  • Therefore, we also get that for every i{0,,d}i \in \{0, \dots, d\} and uEu \in E, the semi-Markov kernel qid(u,v,l)q_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) has its sums over vv and ll equal to 11:

    vEl=1+qid(u,v,l)=1.\sum_{v \in E}\sum_{l = 1}^{+\infty}q_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) = 1.

  • Lastly, like in semi-Markov models, we do not allow sojourn times equal to 00 or passing into the same state:

    qtn(u,v,0)=0,u,vE,q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,0) = 0, \forall u,v \in E,

    qtn(u,u,l)=0,uE,l{1,,+}.q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,u,l) = 0, \forall u\in E,l\in\{1,\dots,+\infty\}.

Model specification restrictions

When we define a drifting semi-Markov model specification through the functions parametric_dsmm or nonparametric_dsmm, the following restrictions need to be satisfied.

Model 1

The semi-Markov kernels are equal to qid (1)(u,v,l)=pid(u,v)fid(u,v,l)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l). Therefore, uE\forall u \in E the sums of pid(u,v)p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) over vv and the sums of fid(u,v,l)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) over ll must be equal to 1:

vEpid(u,v)=1,\sum_{v \in E} p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) = 1,

l=1+fid(u,v,l)=1.\sum_{l = 1}^{+\infty }f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) = 1.

Model 2

The semi-Markov kernels are equal to qid (2)(u,v,l)=pid(u,v)f(u,v,l)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)f(u,v,l). Therefore, uE\forall u \in E the sums of pid(u,v)p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) over vv and the sums of f(u,v,l)f(u,v,l) over ll must be equal to 1:

vEpid(u,v)=1,\sum_{v \in E} p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) = 1,

l=1+f(u,v,l)=1.\sum_{l = 1}^{+\infty }f(u,v,l) = 1.

Model 3

The semi-Markov kernels are equal to qid (3)(u,v,l)=p(u,v)fid(u,v,l)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = p(u,v)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l). Therefore, uE\forall u \in E the sums of p(u,v)p(u,v) over vv and the sums of fid(u,v,l)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) over ll must be equal to 1:

vEp(u,v)=1,\sum_{v \in E}p(u,v) = 1,

l=1+fid(u,v,l)=1.\sum_{l = 1}^{+\infty }f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) = 1.

Community Guidelines

For third parties wishing to contribute to the software, or to report issues or problems about the software, they can do so directly through the development github page of the package.


Automated tests are in place in order to aid the user with any false input made and, furthermore, to ensure that the functions used return the expected output. Moreover, through strict automated tests, it is made possible for the user to properly define their own dsmm objects and make use of them with the generic functions of the package.


Maintainer: Ioannis Mavrogiannis [email protected]


  • Vlad Stefan Barbu

  • Ioannis Mavrogiannis

  • Nicolas Vergne


Barbu, V. S., Limnios, N. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Vergne, N. (2008). Drifting Markov models with Polynomial Drift and Applications to DNA Sequences. Statistical Applications in Genetics Molecular Biology 7 (1).

Barbu V. S., Vergne, N. (2019). Reliability and survival analysis for drifting Markov models: modelling and estimation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 21(4), 1407-1429.

T. Nakagawa and S. Osaki. (1975). The discrete Weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-24, 300-301.

Sanger, F., Coulson, A. R., Hong, G. F., Hill, D. F., & Petersen, G. B. (1982). Nucleotide sequence of bacteriophage λ\lambda DNA. Journal of molecular biology, 162(4), 729-773.

See Also

For the estimation of a drifting semi-Markov model given a sequence: fit_dsmm.

For drifting semi-Markov model specifications: parametric_dsmm, nonparametric_dsmm.

For the simulation of sequences: simulate.dsmm, create_sequence.

For the retrieval of the drifting semi-Markov kernel through a dsmm object: get_kernel.

Simulate a sequence for states of choice.


This is a wrapper function around sample().


create_sequence(states, len = 5000, probs = NULL, seed = NULL)



Character vector of unique values. If given the value "DNA" the values c("a", "c", "g", "t") are given instead.


Optional. Positive integer with the default value equal to 5000.


Optional. Numeric vector with values interpreted as probabilities for each of the states in states. Default value is equal to 1 over the number of states given, for every state.


Optional. Object specifying the initialization of the random number generator (see more in set.seed).


A character sequence of length len.

See Also

For the simulation of a sequence with a drifting semi-Markov kernel: simulate.dsmm.

The original function: sample.

About random number generation in R: RNG.

For the theoretical background of drifting semi-Markov models: dsmmR.


# This is equal to having the argument `probs = c(1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4)`.
rand_dna_seq <- create_sequence(states = "DNA")

random_letters <- sample(letters, size = 5, replace = FALSE)
rand_dna_seq2 <- create_sequence(
    states = random_letters,
    probs = c(0.6, 0.3, 0.05, 0.025, 0.025),
    len = 10000)

Estimation of a drifting semi-Markov chain


Estimation of a drifting semi-Markov chain, given one sequence of states. This estimation can be parametric or non-parametric and is available for the three types of drifting semi-Markov models.


  states = NULL,
  initial_dist = "unif",
  estimation = "nonparametric",
  f_dist = NULL



Character vector that represents a sequence of states from the state space EE.


Positive integer that represents the polynomial degree dd for the drifting semi-Markov model.


Logical. Specifies if ff is drifting or not.


Logical. Specifies if pp is drifting or not.


Character vector that represents the state space EE, with length equal to s=Es = |E|. Default value is set equal to the sorted, unique states present in the given sequence.


Optional. Character that represents the method to estimate the initial distribution.

  • "unif" : The initial distribution of each state is equal to 1/s1/s (default value).

  • "freq" : The initial distribution of each state is equal to the frequency that it has in the sequence.


Optional. Character. Represents whether the estimation will be nonparametric or parametric.

  • "nonparametric" : The estimation will be non-parametric (default value).

  • "parametric" : The estimation will be parametric.


Optional. It can be defined in two ways:

  • If estimation = "nonparametric", it is equal to NULL (default value).

  • If estimation = "parametric", it is a character array that specifies the distributions of the sojourn times, for every state transition. The list of possible values is: ["unif", "geom", "pois", "dweibull", "nbinom", NA]. It can be defined in two ways:

    • If ff is not drifting, it has dimensions of s×ss \times s.

    • If ff is drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d+1) (see more in Details, Parametric Estimation.)

    It is defined similarly to the attribute f_dist in dsmm_parametric.


This function estimates a drifting semi-Markov model in the parametric and non-parametric case. The parametric estimation can be achieved by the following steps:

  1. We obtain the non-parametric estimation of the sojourn time distributions.

  2. We estimate the parameters for the distributions defined in the attribute f_dist through the probabilities that were obtained in step 1.

Three different models are possible for to be estimated for each case. A normalization technique is used in order to correct estimation errors from small sequences. We will use the exponentials (1),(2),(3)(1), (2), (3) to distinguish between the drifting semi-Markov kernel q^tn\widehat{q}_{\frac{t}{n}} and the semi-Markov kernels q^id\widehat{q}_\frac{i}{d} used in Model 1, Model 2, Model 3. More about the theory of drifting semi-Markov models in dsmmR.

Non-parametric Estimation

Model 1

When the transition matrix pp of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}} and the conditional sojourn time distribution ff are both drifting, the drifting semi-Markov kernel can be estimated as:

q^tn (1)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) q^id (1)(u,v,l),\widehat{q}_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ \widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l),

t{0,,n},u,vE,l{1,,kmax}\forall t \in \{0,\dots,n\}, \forall u,v\in E, \forall l \in \{1,\dots, k_{max} \}, where kmaxk_{max} is the maximum sojourn time that was observed in the sequence and Ai,i=0,,dA_i, i = 0, \dots, d are d+1d + 1 polynomials with degree dd (see dsmmR).

The semi-Markov kernels q^id (1)(u,v,l),i=0,,d\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l), i = 0, \dots, d, are estimated through Least Squares Estimation (LSE) and are obtained after solving the following system, t{0,,n}\forall t \in \{0, \dots, n\}, u,vE\forall u, v \in E and l{1,,kmax}\forall l \in \{1, \dots, k_{max}\}:

MJ=P,MJ = P,

where the matrices are written as:

  • M=(Mij)i,j{0,,d}=(t=1n1u(t)Ai(t)Aj(t))i,j{0,,d}M = (M_{ij})_{i,j \in \{0, \dots, d\} } = \left(\sum_{t=1}^{n}1_{u}(t)A_{i}(t)A_{j}(t)\right)_{ i,j \in \{0, \dots, d\}}

  • J=(Ji)i{0,,d}=(q^id (1)(u,v,l))i{0,,d}J = (J_i)_{i \in \{0, \dots, d\} } = \left(\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)\right)_{ i \in \{0, \dots, d\}}

  • P=(Pi)i{0,,d}=(t=1n1uvl(t)Ai(t))i{0,,d}P=(P_i)_{i\in \{0, \dots, d\} }= \left(\sum_{t=1}^{n}1_{uvl}(t)A_{i}(t)\right)_{ i \in \{0, \dots, d\}}

and we use the following indicator functions:

  • 1u(t)=1{Jt1=u}=11_{u}(t) = 1_{ \{J_{t-1} = u \} } = 1, if at tt the previous state is uu, 00 otherwise.

  • 1uvl(t)=1{Jt1=u,Jt=v,Xt=l}=11_{uvl}(t) = 1_{ \{J_{t-1} = u, J_{t} = v, X_{t} = l \} } = 1, if at tt the previous state is uu with sojourn time ll and next state vv, 00 otherwise.

In order to obtain the estimations of p^id(u,v)\widehat{p}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) and f^id(u,v,l)\widehat{f}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l), we use the following formulas:

p^id(u,v)=l=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l),\widehat{p}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) = \sum_{l = 1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l),

f^id(u,v,l)=q^id (1)(u,v,l)l=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l).\widehat{f}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) = \frac{\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}{ \sum_{l = 1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}.

Model 2

In this case, pp is drifting and ff is not drifting. Therefore, the estimated drifting semi-Markov kernel will be given by:

q^tn (2)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) q^id (2)(u,v,l),\widehat{q}_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i=0}^{d} A_{i}(t)\ \widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l),

t{0,,n},u,vE,l{1,,kmax}\forall t \in \{0,\dots,n\}, \forall u,v\in E, \forall l\in \{1,\dots, k_{max} \}, where kmaxk_{max} is the maximum sojourn time that was observed in the sequence and Ai,i=0,,dA_i, i = 0, \dots, d are d+1d + 1 polynomials with degree dd (see dsmmR). In order to obtain the estimators p^\widehat{p} and f^\widehat{f}, we use the estimated semi-Markov kernels q^id (1)\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)} from Model 1. Since pp is drifting, we define the estimation p^\widehat{p} the same way as we did in Model 1. In total, we have the following estimations, u,vE,l{1,,kmax}\forall u,v \in E, \forall l \in \{1,\dots, k_{max} \}:

p^id(u,v)=l=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l),\widehat{p}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v) = \sum_{l = 1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l),

f^(u,v,l)=i=0dq^id (1)(u,v,l)i=0dl=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l).\widehat{f}(u,v,l) = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{d}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}{ \sum_{i=0}^{d}\sum_{l=1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}.

Thus, the estimated semi-Markov kernels for Model 2, q^id (2)(u,v,l)=p^id(u,v)f^(u,v,l)\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \widehat{p}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)\widehat{f}(u,v,l), can be written with regards to the estimated semi-Markov kernels of Model 1, q^id (1)\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}, as in the following:

q^id (2)(u,v,l)=(l=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l))(i=0dq^id (1)(u,v,l))i=0dl=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l).\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \frac{ (\sum_{l=1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)) (\sum_{i = 0}^{d}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l))}{ \sum_{i = 0}^{d}\sum_{l=1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}.

Model 3

In this case, ff is drifting and pp is not drifting. Therefore, the estimated drifting semi-Markov kernel will be given by:

q^tn (3)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) q^id (3)(u,v,l),\widehat{q}_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i=0}^{d} A_{i}(t)\ \widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l),

t{0,,n},u,vE,l{1,,kmax}\forall t \in \{0,\dots,n\}, \forall u,v\in E, \forall l\in \{1,\dots, k_{max} \}, where kmaxk_{max} is the maximum sojourn time that was observed in the sequence and Ai,i=0,,dA_i, i = 0, \dots, d are d+1d + 1 polynomials with degree dd (see dsmmR). In order to obtain the estimators p^\widehat{p} and f^\widehat{f}, we use the estimated semi-Markov kernels estimated semi-Markov kernels q^id (1)\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)} from Model 1. Since ff is drifting, we define the estimation f^\widehat{f} the same way as we did in Model 1. In total, we have the following estimations, u,vE,l{1,,kmax}\forall u,v \in E, \forall l \in \{1,\dots, k_{max} \}:

p^ (u,v)=i=0dl=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l)d+1,\widehat{p}\ (u,v) = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{d}\sum_{l=1}^{k_{max}} \widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}{d+1},

f^id(u,v,l)=q^id (1)(u,v,l)l=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l).\widehat{f}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l) = \frac{\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}{ \sum_{l = 1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}.

Thus, the estimated semi-Markov kernels for Model 3, q^id (3)(u,v,l)=p^ (u,v)f^id(u,v,l)\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \widehat{p}\ (u,v)\widehat{f}_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l), can be written with regards to the estimated semi-Markov kernels of Model 1, q^id (1)\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}, as in the following:

q^id (3)(u,v,l)=q^id (1)(u,v,l)i=0dl=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l)(d+1)l=1kmaxq^id (1)(u,v,l).\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \frac{ \widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) \sum_{i=0}^{d}\sum_{l=1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)} {(d+1)\sum_{l=1}^{k_{max}}\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l)}.

Parametric Estimation

In this package, the parametric estimation of the sojourn time distributions defined in the attribute f_dist is achieved as follows:

  1. We obtain the non-parametric LSE of the sojourn time distributions ff.

  2. We estimate the parameters for the distributions defined in f_dist through the probabilities of ff, estimated in previously in 11.

The available distributions for the modelling of the conditional sojourn times of the drifting semi-Markov model, defined from the argument f_dist, have their parameters estimated through the following formulas:

  • Geometric (p)(p):

    f(x)=p(1p)x1f(x) = p (1-p)^{x-1}, where x=1,2,,kmaxx = 1, 2, \dots,k_{max}. We estimate the probability of success p^\widehat{p} as such:

    p^=1E(X)\widehat{p} = \frac{1}{E(X)}

  • Poisson (λ)(\lambda):

    f(x)=λx1exp(λ)(x1)!f(x) = \frac{\lambda^{x-1} exp(-\lambda)}{(x-1)!}, where x=1,2,,kmaxx = 1, 2,\dots,k_{max}. We estimate λ^>0\widehat{\lambda} > 0 as such:

    λ^=E(X)\widehat{\lambda} = E(X)

  • Negative binomial (α,p)(\alpha, p):

    f(x)=Γ(x+α1)Γ(α)(x1)!pα(1p)x1f(x)=\frac{\Gamma(x + \alpha - 1)}{\Gamma(\alpha)(x-1)!} p^{\alpha}(1-p)^{x-1}, where x=1,2,,kmaxx = 1, 2,\ldots,k_{max}. Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, pp is the probability of success and α(0,+)\alpha \in (0, +\infty) is the parameter describing the number of successful trials, or the dispersion parameter (the shape parameter of the gamma mixing distribution). We estimate them as such:

    p^=E(X)Var(X),\widehat{p} = \frac{E(X)}{Var(X)},

    α^=E(X)p^1p^=E(X)2Var(X)E(X).\widehat{\alpha} = E(X)\frac{\widehat{p}}{1 - \widehat{p}} = \frac{E(X)^2}{Var(X) - E(X)}.

  • Discrete Weibull of type 1 (q,β)(q, \beta):

    f(x)=q(x1)βqxβf(x)=q^{(x-1)^{\beta}}-q^{x^{\beta}}, where x=1,2,,kmaxx= 1, 2, \dots,k_{max}, qq is the first parameter with 0<q<10 < q < 1 and β(0,+)\beta \in (0, +\infty) the second parameter. We estimate them as such:

    q^=1f(1),\widehat{q} = 1 - f(1),

    β^=i=2kmaxlogi(logq^(j=1if(j)))kmax1.\widehat{\beta} = \frac{\sum_{i = 2}^{k_{max}} \log_{i}(\log_{\widehat{q}}(\sum_{j = 1}^{i}f(j)))}{k_{max} - 1}.

    Note that we require kmax2k_{max} \geq 2 for estimating β^\widehat{\beta}.

  • Uniform (n)(n): f(x)=1/nf(x) = 1/n where x=1,2,,nx = 1, 2, \dots, n, for nn a positive integer. We use a numerical method to obtain an estimator for n^\widehat{n} in this case.


Returns an object of S3 class (dsmm_fit_nonparametric, dsmm) or (dsmm_fit_parametric, dsmm). It has the following attributes:

  • dist : List. Contains 2 or 3 arrays.

    • If estimation = "nonparametric" we have 2 arrays:

      • p_drift or p_notdrift, corresponding to whether the defined pp transition matrix is drifting or not.

      • f_drift or f_notdrift, corresponding to whether the defined ff sojourn time distribution is drifting or not.

    • If estimation = "parametric" we have 3 arrays:

      • p_drift or p_notdrift, corresponding to whether the defined pp transition matrix is drifting or not.

      • f_drift_parametric or f_notdrift_parametric, corresponding to whether the defined ff sojourn time distribution is drifting or not.

      • f_drift_parameters or f_notdrift_parameters, which are the defined ff sojourn time distribution parameters, depending on whether ff is drifting or not.

  • emc : Character vector that contains the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}} of the original sequence. It is this attribute of the object that describes the size of the model nn. Last state is also included, for a total length of n+1n+1, but it is not used for any calculation.

  • soj_times : Numerical vector that contains the sojourn times spent for each state in emc before the jump to the next state. Last state is also included, for a total length of n+1n+1, but it is not used for any calculation.

  • initial_dist : Numerical vector that contains an estimation for the initial distribution of the realized states in sequence. It always has values between 00 and 11.

  • states : Character vector. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the realized states given in the argument sequence.

  • s : Positive integer that contains the length of the character vector given in the attribute states, which is equal to s=Es = |E|.

  • degree : Positive integer. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the polynomial degree dd considered for the drifting of the model.

  • k_max : Numerical value that contains the maximum sojourn time, which is the maximum value in soj_times, excluding the last state.

  • model_size : Positive integer that contains the size of the drifting semi-Markov model nn, which is equal to the length of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, minus the last state. It has a value of length(emc) - 1, for emc as defined above.

  • f_is_drifting : Logical. Passing down from the arguments. Specifies if ff is drifting or not.

  • p_is_drifting : Logical. Passing down from the arguments. Specifies if pp is drifting or not.

  • Model : Character. Possible values:

    • "Model_1" : Both pp and ff are drifting.

    • "Model_2" : pp is drifting and ff is not drifting.

    • "Model_3" : ff is drifting and pp is not drifting.

  • estimation : Character. Specifies whether parametric or nonparametric estimation was used.

  • A_i : Numerical Matrix. Represents the polynomials Ai(t)A_i(t) with degree dd that were used for solving the system MJ=PMJ = P. Used for the methods defined for the object. Not printed when viewing the object.

  • J_i : Numerical Array. Represents the estimated semi-Markov kernels of the first model (q^id (1)(u,v,l))i{0,,d}(\widehat{q}_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l))_{i\in\{0,\dots,d\}} that were obtained after solving the system MJ=PMJ = P. Not printed when viewing the object.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). semi-Markov Chains and Hidden semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Vergne, N. (2008). Drifting Markov models with Polynomial Drift and Applications to DNA Sequences. Statistical Applications in Genetics Molecular Biology 7 (1).

Barbu V. S., Vergne, N. (2019). Reliability and survival analysis for Drifting Markov models: modelling and estimation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 21(4), 1407-1429.

T. Nakagawa and S. Osaki. (1975). The discrete Weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-24, 300-301.

See Also

For the theoretical background of drifting semi-Markov models: dsmmR.

For sequence simulation: simulate.dsmm and create_sequence.

For drifting semi-Markov model specification: parametric_dsmm, nonparametric_dsmm

For the retrieval of the drifting semi-Markov kernel: get_kernel.


# Create a random sequence
sequence <- create_sequence("DNA", len = 2000, seed = 1)
## Alternatively, we could obtain a sequence as follows:
## > data("lambda", package = "dsmmR")
## > sequence <- c(lambda)
states <- sort(unique(sequence))
degree <- 3

# ===========================================================================
# Nonparametric Estimation.
# Fitting a random sequence under distributions of unknown shape.
# ===========================================================================

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Both p and f are drifting - Model 1.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_model_1 <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sequence,
                        degree = degree,
                        f_is_drifting = TRUE,
                        p_is_drifting = TRUE,
                        states = states,
                        initial_dist = "freq",
                        estimation = "nonparametric", # default value
                        f_dist = NULL # default value

cat(paste0("We fitted a sequence with ", obj_model_1$Model, ",\n",
           "model size: n = ", obj_model_1$model_size, ",\n",
           "length of state space: s = ", obj_model_1$s, ",\n",
           "maximum sojourn time: k_max = ", obj_model_1$k_max, " and\n",
           "polynomial (drifting) Degree: d = ", obj_model_1$degree, ".\n"))

# Get the drifting p and f arrays.
p_drift <- obj_model_1$dist$p_drift
f_drift <- obj_model_1$dist$f_drift

cat(paste0("Dimension of p_drift: (s, s, d + 1) = (",
           paste(dim(p_drift), collapse = ", "), ").\n",
           "Dimension of f_drift: (s, s, k_max, d + 1) = (",
           paste(dim(f_drift), collapse = ", "), ").\n"))

# We can even check the embedded Markov chain and the sojourn times
# directly from the returned object, if we wish to do so.
# This is achieved through the `base::rle()` function, used on `sequence`.
model_emc <- obj_model_1$emc
model_sojourn_times <- obj_model_1$soj_times

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fitting the sequence when p is drifting and f is not drifting - Model 2.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_model_2 <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sequence,
                        degree = degree,
                        f_is_drifting = FALSE,
                        p_is_drifting = TRUE)

cat(paste0("We fitted a sequence with ", obj_model_2$Model, ".\n"))

# Get the drifting p and non-drifting f arrays.
p_drift_2 <- obj_model_2$dist$p_drift
f_notdrift <- obj_model_2$dist$f_notdrift

all.equal.numeric(p_drift, p_drift_2) # p is the same as in Model 1.

cat(paste0("Dimension of f_notdrift: (s, s, k_max) = (",
           paste(dim(f_notdrift), collapse = ", "), ").\n"))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fitting the sequence when f is drifting and p is not drifting - Model 3.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_model_3 <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sequence,
                        degree = degree,
                        f_is_drifting = TRUE,
                        p_is_drifting = FALSE)

cat(paste0("We fitted a sequence with ", obj_model_3$Model, ".\n"))
# Get the drifting f and non-drifting p arrays.
p_notdrift <- obj_model_3$dist$p_notdrift
f_drift_3 <- obj_model_3$dist$f_drift
all.equal.numeric(f_drift, f_drift_3) # f is the same as in Model 1.
cat(paste0("Dimension of f_notdrift: (s, s) = (",
           paste(dim(p_notdrift), collapse = ", "), ").\n"))

# ===========================================================================
# Parametric Estimation
# Fitting a random sequence under distributions of known shape.
# ===========================================================================
### Comments
### 1.  For the parametric estimation it is recommended to use a common set
###     of distributions while only the parameters (of the sojourn times)
###     are drifting. This results in (generally) higher accuracy.
### 2.  This process is similar to that used in `dsmm_parametric()`.

s <- length(states)
# Getting the distributions for the states.
# Rows correspond to previous state `u`.
# Columns correspond to next state `v`.
f_dist_1 <- matrix(c(NA,         "unif",     "dweibull", "nbinom",
                     "pois",      NA,        "pois",     "dweibull",
                     "geom",     "pois",      NA,        "geom",
                     "dweibull", 'geom',     "pois",      NA),
                   nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
f_dist <- array(f_dist_1, dim = c(s, s, degree + 1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Both p and f are drifting - Model 1.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_fit_parametric <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sequence,
                               degree = degree,
                               f_is_drifting = TRUE,
                               p_is_drifting = TRUE,
                               states = states,
                               initial_dist = 'unif',
                               estimation = 'parametric',
                               f_dist = f_dist)
cat("The class of `obj_fit_parametric` is : (",
    paste0(class(obj_fit_parametric), collapse = ', '), ").\n")

# Estimated parameters.
f_params <- obj_fit_parametric$dist$f_drift_parameters

# The drifting sojourn time distribution parameters.
f_0 <- f_params[,,,1]
f_1.3 <- f_params[,,,2]
f_2.3 <- f_params[,,,3]
f_1 <- f_params[,,,4]

params <- paste0('q = ', round(f_params["c", "t", 1, ], 3),
                 ', beta = ', round(f_params["c", "t", 2, ], 3))
f_names <- c("f_0", paste0("f_", 1:(degree-1), "/", degree), "f_1")
all_names <- paste(f_names, ":", params)
cat("The drifting of the parameters for passing from \n",
    "`u` = 'c' to `v` = 't' under a discrete Weibull distribution is:",
    "\n", all_names[1], "\n", all_names[2],
    "\n", all_names[3], "\n", all_names[4])

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# f is not drifting, only p is drifting - Model 2.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_fit_parametric_2 <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sequence,
                                 degree = degree,
                                 f_is_drifting = FALSE,
                                 p_is_drifting = TRUE,
                                 initial_dist = 'unif',
                                 estimation = 'parametric',
                                 f_dist = f_dist_1)

cat("The class of `obj_fit_parametric_2` is : (",
    paste0(class(obj_fit_parametric_2), collapse = ', '), ").\n")
# Estimated parameters.
f_params_2 <- obj_fit_parametric_2$dist$f_notdrift_parameters

params_2 <- paste0('q = ', round(f_params_2["c", "t", 1], 3),
                   ', beta = ', round(f_params_2["c", "t", 2], 3))

cat("Not-drifting parameters for passing from ",
    "`u` = 'c' to `v` = 't' \n under a discrete Weibull distribution are:\n",
    paste("f :", params_2))

# ===========================================================================
# `simulate()` and `get_kernel()` can be used for the two objects,
# `dsmm_fit_nonparametric` and `dsmm_fit_parametric`.
# ===========================================================================

sim_seq_nonparametric <- simulate(obj_model_1, nsim = 10)

kernel_drift_parametric <- get_kernel(obj_fit_parametric, klim = 10)

Obtain the Drifting semi-Markov kernel


This is a generic method that computes and returns the drifting semi-Markov kernel.


get_kernel(obj, t, u, v, l, klim = 100)



An object that inherits from the S3 classes dsmm, dsmm_fit_parametric, or dsmm_fit_nonparametric, dsmm_nonparametric or dsmm_parametric.


Optional, but recommended. Positive integer specifying the instance tt of the visited states.


Optional. Can be either of the two options below:

  • Character specifying the previous state uu, e.g. u = "a".

  • Positive integer, specifying a state in the state space EE. For example, if E={a,c,g,t}E = \{a, c, g, t\} and u = 1, it corresponds to the state aa, if u = 2, it corresponds to the state cc.


Optional. Can be either of the two options below:

  • Character specifying the next state vv, e.g. v = "c".

  • Positive integer, specifying a state in the state space EE. For example, if E={a,c,g,t}E = \{a, c, g, t\} and v = 3, it corresponds to the state cc, if v = 4, it corresponds to the state tt.


Optional. Positive integer specifying the sojourn time ll that is spent in the previous state uu.


Optional. Positive integer. Used only when obj inherits from the S3 classes dsmm_parametric or dsmm_fit_parametric. Specifies the time horizon used to approximate the d+1d + 1 sojourn time distributions if ff is drifting, or just 11 sojourn time distribution if ff is not drifting. Default value is 100.

A larger value will result in a considerably larger kernel, which has dimensions of s×s×klim×(n+1)s \times s \times klim \times (n + 1), which will increase the memory requirements and will slow down considerably the simulate.dsmm() method. However, this will lead to better estimations through fit_dsmm(). (dsmm_parametric, fit_dsmm, simulate.dsmm)


The drifting semi-Markov kernel is given as the probability that, given at the instance tt the previous state is uu, the next state state vv will be reached with a sojourn time of ll:

qtn(u,v,l)=P(Jt=v,Xt=lJt1=u),q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l) = P(J_{t}=v,X_{t}=l|J_{t-1}=u),

where nn is the model size, defined as the length of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}} minus the last state, JtJ_t is the visited state at the instant tt and Xt=StSt1X_{t} = S_{t}-S_{t-1} is the sojourn time of the state Jt1J_{t-1}. Specifically, it is given as the sum of a linear combination:

qtn(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid(u,v,l),q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l)= \sum_{i = 0}^{d}A_{i}(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l),

where Ai,i=0,,dA_i, i = 0, \dots, d are d+1d + 1 polynomials with degree dd that satisfy certain conditions (see dsmmR) and qid(u,v,l),i=0,,dq_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l), i = 0, \dots, d are d+1d + 1 semi-Markov kernels. Three possible model specifications are described below. We will use the exponentials (1),(2),(3)(1), (2), (3) to distinguish between the drifting semi-Markov kernel qtnq_\frac{t}{n} and the semi-Markov kernels qidq_\frac{i}{d} used in Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3.

Model 1

In this case, both pp and ff are "drifting" between d+1d + 1 fixed points of the model, hence the "drifting" in drifting semi-Markov models. Therefore, the semi-Markov kernels qid (1)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)} are equal to:

qid (1)(u,v,l)=pid(u,v)fid(u,v,l),q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = {p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)}{f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l)},

where for i=0,,di = 0, \dots, d we have d+1d + 1 Markov Transition matrices pid(u,v)p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v), and d+1d + 1 sojourn time distributions fid(u,v,l)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l), where dd is the polynomial degree.

Thus, the drifting semi-Markov kernel will be equal to:

qtn (1)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid (1)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) pid(u,v)fid(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d} A_i(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (1)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d} A_i(t)\ p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l)

Model 2

In this case, pp is drifting and ff is not drifting. Therefore, the semi-Markov kernels qid (2)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)} are equal to:

qid (2)(u,v,l)=pid(u,v)f(u,v,l).q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l)={p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)}{f(u,v,l)}.

Thus, the drifting semi-Markov kernel will be equal to:

qtn (2)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid (2)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) pid(u,v)f(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d} A_i(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (2)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d} A_i(t)\ p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v)f(u,v,l)

Model 3

In this case, ff is drifting and pp is not drifting.

Therefore, the semi-Markov kernels qid (3)q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)} are now described as:

qid (3)(u,v,l)=p(u,v)fid(u,v,l).q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l)={p(u,v)}{f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l)}.

Thus, the drifting semi-Markov kernel will be equal to:

qtn (3)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) qid (3)(u,v,l)=i=0dAi(t) p(u,v)fid(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d} A_i(t)\ q_{\frac{i}{d}}^{\ (3)}(u,v,l) = \sum_{i = 0}^{d} A_i(t)\ p(u,v)f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l)


An array with dimensions of s×s×kmax×(n+1)s \times s \times k_{max} \times (n + 1), giving the value of the drifting semi-Markov kernel qtn(u,v,l)q_{\frac{t}{n}}(u,v,l) for the corresponding (u,v,l,t)(u,v,l,t). If any of u,v,lu,v,l or tt are specified, we obtain the element of the array for their given value.

See Also

For the objects required to calculate this kernel: fit_dsmm, parametric_dsmm, nonparametric_dsmm.

For sequence simulation through this kernel: simulate.dsmm.

For the theoretical background of drifting semi-Markov models: dsmmR.


# Setup.
states <- c("Rouen", "Bucharest", "Samos", "Aigio", "Marseille")
emc <- create_sequence(states, probs = c(0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2))
obj_model_2 <- fit_dsmm(
    sequence = emc,
    states = states,
    degree = 3,
    f_is_drifting = FALSE,
    p_is_drifting = TRUE

# Get the kernel.
kernel_model_2 <- get_kernel(obj_model_2)
cat(paste0("If no further arguments are made, kernel has dimensions ",
           "for all u, v, l, t:\n",
           "(s, s, k_max, n + 1) = (",
           paste(dim(kernel_model_2), collapse = ", "), ")"))

# Specifying `t`.
kernel_model_2_t <- get_kernel(obj_model_2, t = 100)
# kernel_model_2_t[ , , , t = 100]
cat(paste0("If we specify t, the kernel has dimensions for ",
           "all the remaining u, v, l:\n(s, s, k_max) = (",
           paste(dim(kernel_model_2_t), collapse = ", "), ")"))

# Specifying `t` and `u`.
kernel_model_2_tu <- get_kernel(obj_model_2, t = 2, u = "Aigio")
# kernel_model_2_tu["Aigio", , , t = 2]
cat(paste0("If we specify t and u, the kernel has dimensions for ",
           "all the remaining v, l:\n(s, k_max) = (",
           paste(dim(kernel_model_2_tu), collapse = ", "), ")"))

# Specifying `t`, `u` and `v`.
kernel_model_2_tuv <- get_kernel(obj_model_2, t = 3,
                                 u = "Rouen", v = "Bucharest")
# kernel_model_2_tuv["Rouen", "Bucharest", , t = 3]
cat(paste0("If we specify t, u and v, the kernel has dimensions ",
           "for all l:\n(k_max) = (",
           paste(length(kernel_model_2_tuv), collapse = ", "), ")"))

# It is possible to ask for any valid combination of `u`, `v`, `l` and `t`.

Check if an object has a valid dsmm class


Checks for the validity of the specified attributes and the inheritance of the S3 class dsmm. This class acts like a parent class for the classes dsmm_fit_nonparametric, dsmm_fit_parametric, dsmm_parametric and dsmm_nonparametric.





Arbitrary R object.



See Also

is.dsmm_fit_nonparametric, is.dsmm_fit_nonparametric, is.dsmm_parametric, is.dsmm_nonparametric

Check if an object has a valid dsmm_fit_nonparametric class


Checks for the validity of the specified attributes and the inheritance of the S3 class dsmm_fit_nonparametric. This class inherits methods from the parent class dsmm.





Arbitrary R object.



See Also

is.dsmm, is.dsmm_fit_parametric, is.dsmm_nonparametric, is.dsmm_parametric

Check if an object has a valid dsmm_fit_parametric class


Checks for the validity of the specified attributes and the inheritance of the S3 class dsmm_fit_parametric. This class inherits methods from the parent class dsmm.





Arbitrary R object.



See Also

is.dsmm, is.dsmm_fit_nonparametric, is.dsmm_parametric, is.dsmm_nonparametric

Check if an object has a valid dsmm_nonparametric class


Checks for the validity of the specified attributes and the inheritance of the S3 class dsmm_nonparametric. This class inherits methods from the parent class dsmm.





Arbitrary R object.



See Also

is.dsmm, is.dsmm_fit_nonparametric, is.dsmm_fit_parametric, is.dsmm_parametric

Check if an object has a valid dsmm_parametric class


Checks for the validity of the specified attributes and the inheritance of the S3 class dsmm_parametric. This class inherits methods from the parent class dsmm.





Arbitrary R object.



See Also

is.dsmm, is.dsmm_fit_parametric, is.dsmm_fit_nonparametric, is.dsmm_nonparametric

lambda genome


Contains the complete genome of the Escherichia phage Lambda.


data("lambda", package = "dsmmR")
data(lambda, package = "dsmmR") # equivalent.
# The following requires the package to be loaded,
# e.g. through `library(dsmmR)`.


A vector object of type "character" and length of 48502. It has class of "Rdata".


Sanger, F., Coulson, A. R., Hong, G. F., Hill, D. F., & Petersen, G. B. (1982). Nucleotide sequence of bacteriophage λ\lambda DNA. Journal of molecular biology, 162(4), 729-773.

See Also



data("lambda", package = "dsmmR")
sequence <- c(lambda) # Convert to "character" class

Non-parametric Drifting semi-Markov model specification


Creates a non-parametric model specification for a drifting semi-Markov model. Returns an object of class (dsmm_nonparametric, dsmm).





Positive integer that represents the size of the drifting semi-Markov model nn. It is equal to the length of a theoretical embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, without the last state.


Character vector that represents the state space EE . It has length equal to s=Es = |E|.


Numerical vector of ss probabilities, that represents the initial distribution for each state in the state space EE.


Positive integer that represents the polynomial degree dd for the drifting semi-Markov model.


Positive integer that represents the maximum sojourn time of choice, for the drifting semi-Markov model.


Logical. Specifies if ff is drifting or not.


Logical. Specifies if pp is drifting or not.


Numerical array, that represents the probabilities of the transition matrix pp of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}} (it is defined the same way in the parametric_dsmm function). It can be defined in two ways:

  • If pp is not drifting, it has dimensions of s×ss \times s.

  • If pp is drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d+1) (see more in Details, Defined Arguments.)


Numerical array, that represents the probabilities of the conditional sojourn time distributions ff. 00 is allowed for state transitions that we do not wish to have a sojourn time distribution (e.g. all state transitions to the same state should have 00 as their value). It can be defined in two ways:

  • If ff is not drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×kmaxs \times s \times k_{max}.

  • If ff is drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×kmax×(d+1)s \times s \times k_{max} \times (d+1) (see more in Details, Defined Arguments.)


Defined Arguments

For the non-parametric case, we explicitly define:

  1. The transition matrix of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, given in the attribute p_dist:

    • If pp is not drifting, it contains the values:

      p(u,v),u,vE,p(u, v), \forall u, v \in E,

      given in an array with dimensions of s×ss \times s, where the first dimension corresponds to the previous state uu and the second dimension corresponds to the current state vv.

    • If pp is drifting then, for i{0,,d}i \in\{0,\dots,d\}, it contains the values:

      pid(u,v),u,vE,p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v), \forall u, v \in E,

      given in an array with dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d + 1), where the first and second dimensions are defined as in the non-drifting case, and the third dimension corresponds to the d+1d+1 different matrices pid.p_{\frac{i}{d}}.

  2. The conditional sojourn time distribution, given in the attribute f_dist:

    • If ff is not drifting, it contains the values:

      f(u,v,l),u,vE,l{1,,kmax},f(u,v,l), \forall u,v\in E,\forall l\in \{1,\dots,k_{max}\},

      given in an array with dimensions of s×s×kmaxs \times s \times k_{max}, where the first dimension corresponds to the previous state uu, the second dimension corresponds to the current state vv, and the third dimension correspond to the sojourn time ll.

    • If ff is drifting then, for i{0,,d}i\in \{0,\dots,d\}, it contains the values:

      fid(u,v,l),u,vE,l{1,,kmax},f_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v,l),\forall u,v\in E, \forall l\in \{1,\dots,k_{max}\},

      given in an array with dimensions of s×s×kmax×(d+1)s \times s \times k_{max} \times (d + 1), where the first, second and third dimensions are defined as in the non-drifting case, and the fourth dimension corresponds to the d+1d+1 different arrays fid.f_{\frac{i}{d}}.


Returns an object of the S3 class dsmm_nonparametric,dsmm.

  • dist : List. Contains 2 arrays, passing down from the arguments:

    • p_drift or p_notdrift, corresponding to whether the defined pp transition matrix is drifting or not.

    • f_drift or f_notdrift, corresponding to whether the defined ff sojourn time distribution is drifting or not.

  • initial_dist : Numerical vector. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the initial distribution of the drifting semi-Markov model.

  • states : Character vector. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the state space EE.

  • s : Positive integer. It contains the number of states in the state space, s=Es = |E|, which is given in the attribute states.

  • degree : Positive integer. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the polynomial degree dd considered for the drifting of the model.

  • k_max : Numerical value. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the maximum sojourn time, for the drifting semi-Markov model.

  • model_size : Positive integer. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the size of the drifting semi-Markov model nn, which represents the length of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, without the last state.

  • f_is_drifting : Logical. Passing down from the arguments. Specifies if ff is drifting or not.

  • p_is_drifting : Logical. Passing down from the arguments. Specifies if pp is drifting or not.

  • Model : Character. Possible values:

    • "Model_1" : Both pp and ff are drifting.

    • "Model_2" : pp is drifting and ff is not drifting.

    • "Model_3" : ff is drifting and pp is not drifting.

  • A_i : Numerical Matrix. Represents the polynomials Ai(t)A_i(t) with degree dd that are used for solving the system MJ=PMJ = P. Used for the methods defined for the object. Not printed when viewing the object.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). semi-Markov Chains and Hidden semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Vergne, N. (2008). Drifting Markov models with Polynomial Drift and Applications to DNA Sequences. Statistical Applications in Genetics Molecular Biology 7 (1).

Barbu V. S., Vergne, N. (2019). Reliability and survival analysis for drifting Markov models: modeling and estimation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 21(4), 1407-1429.

See Also

Methods applied to this object: simulate.dsmm, get_kernel.

For the parametric drifting semi-Markov model specification: parametric_dsmm.

For the theoretical background of drifting semi-Markov models: dsmmR.


# Setup.
states <- c("AA", "AC", "CC")
s <- length(states)
d <- 2
k_max <- 3

# ===========================================================================
# Defining non-parametric drifting semi-Markov models.
# ===========================================================================

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining distributions for Model 1 - both p and f are drifting.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `p_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, d + 1).
# Sums over v must be 1 for all u and i = 0, ..., d.
p_dist_1 <- matrix(c(0,   0.1, 0.9,
                     0.5, 0,   0.5,
                     0.3, 0.7, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

p_dist_2 <- matrix(c(0,   0.6, 0.4,
                     0.7, 0,   0.3,
                     0.6, 0.4, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

p_dist_3 <- matrix(c(0,   0.2, 0.8,
                     0.6, 0,   0.4,
                     0.7, 0.3, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Get `p_dist` as an array of p_dist_1, p_dist_2 and p_dist_3.
p_dist <- array(c(p_dist_1, p_dist_2, p_dist_3),
                dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, k_max, d + 1).
# First f distribution. Dimensions: (s, s, k_max).
# Sums over l must be 1, for every u, v and i = 0, ..., d.
f_dist_1_l_1 <- matrix(c(0,   0.2, 0.7,
                         0.3, 0,   0.4,
                         0.2, 0.8, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

f_dist_1_l_2 <- matrix(c(0,   0.3,  0.2,
                         0.2, 0,    0.5,
                         0.1, 0.15, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

f_dist_1_l_3 <- matrix(c(0,   0.5,  0.1,
                         0.5, 0,    0.1,
                         0.7, 0.05, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
# Get f_dist_1
f_dist_1 <- array(c(f_dist_1_l_1, f_dist_1_l_2, f_dist_1_l_3),
                  dim = c(s, s, k_max))

# Second f distribution. Dimensions: (s, s, k_max)
f_dist_2_l_1 <- matrix(c(0,   1/3, 0.4,
                         0.3, 0,   0.4,
                         0.2, 0.1, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

f_dist_2_l_2 <- matrix(c(0,   1/3, 0.4,
                         0.4, 0,   0.2,
                         0.3, 0.4, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

f_dist_2_l_3 <- matrix(c(0,   1/3, 0.2,
                         0.3, 0,   0.4,
                         0.5, 0.5, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Get f_dist_2
f_dist_2 <- array(c(f_dist_2_l_1, f_dist_2_l_2, f_dist_2_l_3),
                  dim = c(s, s, k_max))

# Third f distribution. Dimensions: (s, s, k_max)
f_dist_3_l_1 <- matrix(c(0,    0.3, 0.3,
                         0.3,  0,   0.5,
                         0.05, 0.1, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

f_dist_3_l_2 <- matrix(c(0,   0.2, 0.6,
                         0.3, 0,   0.35,
                         0.9, 0.2, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

f_dist_3_l_3 <- matrix(c(0,    0.5, 0.1,
                         0.4,  0,   0.15,
                         0.05, 0.7, 0),
                       ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Get f_dist_3
f_dist_3 <- array(c(f_dist_3_l_1, f_dist_3_l_2, f_dist_3_l_3),
                  dim = c(s, s, k_max))

# Get f_dist as an array of f_dist_1, f_dist_2 and f_dist_3.
f_dist <- array(c(f_dist_1, f_dist_2, f_dist_3),
                dim = c(s, s, k_max, d + 1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-Parametric object for Model 1.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_nonpar_model_1 <- nonparametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 8000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2),
    degree = d,
    k_max = k_max,
    p_dist = p_dist,
    f_dist = f_dist,
    p_is_drifting = TRUE,
    f_is_drifting = TRUE

# p drifting array.
p_drift <- obj_nonpar_model_1$dist$p_drift

# f distribution.
f_drift <- obj_nonpar_model_1$dist$f_drift

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining Model 2 - p is drifting, f is not drifting.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# p_dist has the same dimensions as in Model 1: (s, s, d + 1).
p_dist_model_2 <- array(c(p_dist_1, p_dist_2, p_dist_3),
                        dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# f_dist has dimensions of: (s,s,k_{max}).
f_dist_model_2 <- f_dist_2

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-Parametric object for Model 2.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_nonpar_model_2 <- nonparametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 10000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2),
    degree = d,
    k_max = k_max,
    p_dist = p_dist_model_2,
    f_dist = f_dist_model_2,
    p_is_drifting = TRUE,
    f_is_drifting = FALSE

# p drifting array.
p_drift <- obj_nonpar_model_2$dist$p_drift

# f distribution array.
f_notdrift <- obj_nonpar_model_2$dist$f_notdrift

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining Model 3 - f is drifting, p is not drifting.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `p_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, d + 1).
p_dist_model_3 <- p_dist_3

# `f_dist` has the same dimensions as in Model 1: (s, s, d + 1).
f_dist_model_3 <- array(c(f_dist_1, f_dist_2, f_dist_3),
                        dim = c(s, s, k_max, d + 1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-Parametric object for Model 3.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_nonpar_model_3 <- nonparametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 10000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.3, 0.4, 0.3),
    degree = d,
    k_max = k_max,
    p_dist = p_dist_model_3,
    f_dist = f_dist_model_3,
    p_is_drifting = FALSE,
    f_is_drifting = TRUE

# p distribution matrix.
p_notdrift <- obj_nonpar_model_3$dist$p_notdrift

# f distribution array.
f_drift <- obj_nonpar_model_3$dist$f_drift

# ===========================================================================
# Using methods for non-parametric objects.
# ===========================================================================

kernel_parametric <- get_kernel(obj_nonpar_model_3)

sim_seq_par <- simulate(obj_nonpar_model_3, nsim = 50)

Parametric Drifting semi-Markov model specification


Creates a parametric model specification for a drifting semi-Markov model. Returns an object of class (dsmm_parametric, dsmm).





Positive integer that represents the size of the drifting semi-Markov model nn. It is equal to the length of a theoretical embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, without the last state.


Character vector that represents the state space EE. It has length equal to s=Es = |E|.


Numerical vector of ss probabilities, that represents the initial distribution for each state in the state space EE.


Positive integer that represents the polynomial degree dd for the drifting semi-Markov model.


Logical. Specifies if ff is drifting or not.


Logical. Specifies if pp is drifting or not.


Numerical array, that represents the probabilities of the transition matrix pp of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}} (it is defined the same way in the nonparametric_dsmm function). It can be defined in two ways:

  • If pp is not drifting, it has dimensions of s×ss \times s.

  • If pp is drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d+1) (see more in Details, Defined Arguments.)


Character array, that represents the discrete sojourn time distribution ff of our choice. NA is allowed for state transitions that we do not wish to have a sojourn time distribution (e.g. all state transition to the same state should have NA as their value). The list of possible values is: ["unif", "geom", "pois", "dweibull", "nbinom", NA]. It can be defined in two ways:

  • If ff is not drifting, it has dimensions of s×ss \times s.

  • If ff is drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d+1) (see more in Details, Defined Arguments.)


Numerical array, that represents the parameters of the sojourn time distributions given in f_dist. NA is allowed, in the case that the distribution of our choice does not require a parameter. It can be defined in two ways:

  • If ff is not drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×2s \times s \times 2, specifying two possible parameters required for the discrete distributions.

  • If ff is drifting, it has dimensions of s×s×2×(d+1)s \times s \times 2 \times (d+1), specifying two possible parameters required for the discrete distributions, but for every single one of the i=0,,di = 0, \dots, d sojourn time distributions fidf_{\frac{i}{d}} that are required. (see more in Details, Defined Arguments.)


Defined Arguments

For the parametric case, we explicitly define:

  1. The transition matrix of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, given in the attribute p_dist:

    • If pp is not drifting, it contains the values:

      p(u,v),u,vE,p(u,v), \forall u, v \in E,

      given in an array with dimensions of s×ss \times s, where the first dimension corresponds to the previous state uu and the second dimension corresponds to the current state vv.

    • If pp is drifting, for i{0,,d}i \in \{ 0,\dots,d \}, it contains the values:

      pid(u,v),u,vE,p_{\frac{i}{d}}(u,v), \forall u, v \in E,

      given in an array with dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d + 1), where the first and second dimensions are defined as in the non-drifting case, and the third dimension corresponds to the d+1d+1 different matrices pid.p_{\frac{i}{d}}.

  2. The conditional sojourn time distribution, given in the attribute f_dist:

    • If ff is not drifting, it contains the discrete distribution names (as characters or NA), given in an array with dimensions of s×ss \times s, where the first dimension corresponds to the previous state uu, the second dimension corresponds to the current state vv.

    • If ff is drifting, it contains the discrete distribution names (as characters or NA) given in an array with dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d + 1), where the first and second dimensions are defined as in the non-drifting case, and the third dimension corresponds to the d+1d+1 different arrays fid.f_{\frac{i}{d}}.

  3. The conditional sojourn time distribution parameters, given in the attribute f_dist_pars:

    • If ff is not drifting, it contains the numerical values (or NA) of the corresponding distributions defined in f_dist, given in an array with dimensions of s×ss \times s, where the first dimension corresponds to the previous state uu, the second dimension corresponds to the current state vv.

    • If ff is drifting, it contains the numerical values (or NA) of the corresponding distributions defined in f_dist, given in an array with dimensions of s×s×(d+1)s \times s \times (d + 1), where the first and second dimensions are defined as in the non-drifting case, and the third dimension corresponds to the d+1d+1 different arrays fid.f_{\frac{i}{d}}.

Sojourn time distributions

In this package, the available distributions for the modeling of the conditional sojourn times, of the drifting semi-Markov model, used through the argument f_dist, are the following:

  • Uniform (n)(n):

    f(x)=1/nf(x) = 1/n, for x=1,2,,nx = 1, 2, \dots, n, where nn is a positive integer. This can be specified through the following:

    • f_dist = "unif"

    • f_dist_pars = (nn, NA) (nn as defined here).

  • Geometric (p)(p):

    f(x)=p(1p)x1f(x) = p (1-p)^{x-1}, for x=1,2,,x = 1, 2, \dots, where p(0,1)p \in (0, 1) is the probability of success. This can be specified through the following:

    • f_dist = "geom"

    • f_dist_pars = (pp, NA) (pp as defined here).

  • Poisson (λ)(\lambda):

    f(x)=λx1exp(λ)(x1)!f(x) = \frac{\lambda^{x-1} exp(-\lambda)}{(x-1)!}, for x=1,2,,x = 1, 2, \dots, where λ>0\lambda > 0. This can be specified through the following:

    • f_dist = "pois"

    • f_dist_pars = (λ\lambda, NA)

  • Negative binomial (α,p)(\alpha, p):

    f(x)=Γ(x+α1)Γ(α)(x1)!pα(1p)x1f(x)=\frac{\Gamma(x+\alpha-1)}{\Gamma(\alpha)(x-1)!} p^{\alpha}(1-p)^{x-1}, for x=1,2,,x = 1, 2,\dots, where Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, α(0,+)\alpha \in (0, +\infty) is the parameter describing the target for number of successful trials, or the dispersion parameter (the shape parameter of the gamma mixing distribution). pp is the probability of success, 0<p<10 < p < 1.

    • f_dist = "nbinom"

    • f_dist_pars = (α,p\alpha, p) (pp as defined here)

  • Discrete Weibull of type 1 (q,β)(q, \beta):

    f(x)=q(x1)βqxβf(x)=q^{(x-1)^{\beta}}-q^{x^{\beta}}, for x=1,2,,x=1,2,\dots, with q(0,1)q \in (0, 1) is the first parameter (probability) and β(0,+)\beta \in (0, +\infty) is the second parameter. This can be specified through the following:

    • f_dist = "dweibull"

    • f_dist_pars = (q,βq, \beta) (qq as defined here)

From these discrete distributions, by using "dweibull", "nbinom" we require two parameters. It's for this reason that the attribute f_dist_pars is an array of dimensions s×s×2s \times s \times 2 if ff is not drifting or s×s×2×(d+1)s \times s \times 2 \times (d+1) if ff is drifting.


Returns an object of the S3 class dsmm_parametric, dsmm. It has the following attributes:

  • dist : List. Contains 3 arrays, passing down from the arguments:

    • p_drift or p_notdrift, corresponding to whether the defined pp transition matrix is drifting or not.

    • f_drift_parametric or f_notdrift_parametric, corresponding to whether the defined ff sojourn time distribution is drifting or not.

    • f_drift_parameters or f_notdrift_parameters, which are the defined ff sojourn time distribution parameters, depending on whether ff is drifting or not.

  • initial_dist : Numerical vector. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the initial distribution of the drifting semi-Markov model.

  • states : Character vector. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the state space EE.

  • s : Positive integer. It contains the number of states in the state space, s=Es = |E|, which is given in the attribute states.

  • degree : Positive integer. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the polynomial degree dd considered for the drifting of the model.

  • model_size : Positive integer. Passing down from the arguments. It contains the size of the drifting semi-Markov model nn, which represents the length of the embedded Markov chain (Jt)t{0,,n}(J_{t})_{t\in \{0,\dots,n\}}, without the last state.

  • f_is_drifting : Logical. Passing down from the arguments. Specifies if ff is drifting or not.

  • p_is_drifting : Logical. Passing down from the arguments. Specifies if pp is drifting or not.

  • Model : Character. Possible values:

    • "Model_1" : Both pp and ff are drifting.

    • "Model_2" : pp is drifting and ff is not drifting.

    • "Model_3" : ff is drifting and pp is not drifting.

  • A_i : Numerical matrix. Represents the polynomials Ai(t)A_i(t) with degree dd that are used for solving the system MJ=PMJ = P. Used for the methods defined for the object. Not printed when viewing the object.


V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). semi-Markov Chains and Hidden semi-Markov Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis. New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.

Vergne, N. (2008). Drifting Markov models with Polynomial Drift and Applications to DNA Sequences. Statistical Applications in Genetics Molecular Biology 7 (1).

Barbu V. S., Vergne, N. (2019). Reliability and survival analysis for drifting Markov models: modeling and estimation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 21(4), 1407-1429.

T. Nakagawa and S. Osaki. (1975). The discrete Weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-24, 300-301.

See Also

Methods applied to this object: simulate.dsmm, get_kernel.

For the non-parametric drifting semi-Markov model specification: nonparametric_dsmm.

For the theoretical background of drifting semi-Markov models: dsmmR.


# We can also define states in a flexible way, including spaces.
states <- c("Dollar $", " /1'2'3/ ", " Z E T A ", "O_M_E_G_A")
s <- length(states)
d <- 1

# ===========================================================================
# Defining parametric drifting semi-Markov models.
# ===========================================================================

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining the drifting distributions for Model 1.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `p_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, d + 1).
# Sums over v must be 1 for all u and i = 0, ..., d.

# First matrix.
p_dist_1 <- matrix(c(0,   0.1, 0.4, 0.5,
                     0.5, 0,   0.3, 0.2,
                     0.3, 0.4, 0,   0.3,
                     0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Second matrix.
p_dist_2 <- matrix(c(0,   0.3, 0.6, 0.1,
                     0.3, 0,   0.4, 0.3,
                     0.5, 0.3, 0,   0.2,
                     0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# get `p_dist` as an array of p_dist_1 and p_dist_2.
p_dist_model_1 <- array(c(p_dist_1, p_dist_2), dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, d + 1).
# First matrix.
f_dist_1 <- matrix(c(NA,         "unif", "dweibull", "nbinom",
                     "geom",      NA,    "pois",     "dweibull",
                     "dweibull", "pois",  NA,        "geom",
                     "pois",      NA,    "geom",      NA),
                   nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Second matrix.
f_dist_2 <- matrix(c(NA,     "pois", "geom", "nbinom",
                     "geom",  NA,    "pois", "dweibull",
                     "unif", "geom",  NA,    "geom",
                     "pois", "pois", "geom",  NA),
                   nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# get `f_dist` as an array of `f_dist_1` and `f_dist_2`
f_dist_model_1 <- array(c(f_dist_1, f_dist_2), dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist_pars` has dimensions of: (s, s, 2, d + 1).
# First array of coefficients, corresponding to `f_dist_1`.
# First matrix.
f_dist_1_pars_1 <- matrix(c(NA,  5,  0.4, 4,
                            0.7, NA, 5,   0.6,
                            0.2, 3,  NA,  0.6,
                            4,   NA, 0.4, NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
# Second matrix.
f_dist_1_pars_2 <- matrix(c(NA,  NA, 0.2, 0.6,
                            NA,  NA, NA,  0.8,
                            0.6, NA, NA,  NA,
                            NA,  NA, NA,  NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Second array of coefficients, corresponding to `f_dist_2`.
# First matrix.
f_dist_2_pars_1 <- matrix(c(NA,  6,   0.4, 3,
                            0.7, NA,  2,   0.5,
                            3,   0.6, NA,  0.7,
                            6,   0.2, 0.7, NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
# Second matrix.
f_dist_2_pars_2 <- matrix(c(NA, NA, NA, 0.6,
                            NA, NA, NA, 0.8,
                            NA, NA, NA, NA,
                            NA, NA, NA, NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Get `f_dist_pars`.
f_dist_pars_model_1 <- array(c(f_dist_1_pars_1, f_dist_1_pars_2,
                               f_dist_2_pars_1, f_dist_2_pars_2),
                             dim = c(s, s, 2, d + 1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parametric object for Model 1.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_par_model_1 <- parametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 10000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0),
    degree = d,
    p_dist = p_dist_model_1,
    f_dist = f_dist_model_1,
    f_dist_pars = f_dist_pars_model_1,
    p_is_drifting = TRUE,
    f_is_drifting = TRUE

# p drifting array.
p_drift <- obj_par_model_1$dist$p_drift

# f distribution.
f_dist_drift <- obj_par_model_1$dist$f_drift_parametric

# parameters for the f distribution.
f_dist_pars_drift <- obj_par_model_1$dist$f_drift_parameters

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining Model 2 - p is drifting, f is not drifting.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `p_dist` has the same dimensions as in Model 1: (s, s, d + 1).
p_dist_model_2 <- array(c(p_dist_1, p_dist_2), dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s).
f_dist_model_2 <- matrix(c( NA,       "pois",  NA,       "nbinom",
                            "geom",    NA,    "geom",    "dweibull",
                            "unif",   "geom",  NA,       "geom",
                            "nbinom", "unif", "dweibull", NA),
                         nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# `f_dist_pars` has dimensions of: (s, s, 2),
#  corresponding to `f_dist_model_2`.

# First matrix.
f_dist_pars_1_model_2 <- matrix(c(NA,  0.2, NA,  3,
                                  0.2, NA,  0.2, 0.5,
                                  3,   0.4, NA,  0.7,
                                  2,   3,   0.7, NA),
                                nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Second matrix.
f_dist_pars_2_model_2 <- matrix(c(NA,  NA, NA,  0.6,
                                  NA,  NA, NA,  0.8,
                                  NA,  NA, NA,  NA,
                                  0.2, NA, 0.3, NA),
                                nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Get `f_dist_pars`.
f_dist_pars_model_2 <- array(c(f_dist_pars_1_model_2,
                             dim = c(s, s, 2))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parametric object for Model 2.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_par_model_2 <- parametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 10000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0),
    degree = d,
    p_dist = p_dist_model_2,
    f_dist = f_dist_model_2,
    f_dist_pars = f_dist_pars_model_2,
    p_is_drifting = TRUE,
    f_is_drifting = FALSE

# p drifting array.
p_drift <- obj_par_model_2$dist$p_drift

# f distribution.
f_dist_notdrift <- obj_par_model_2$dist$f_notdrift_parametric

# parameters for the f distribution.
f_dist_pars_notdrift <- obj_par_model_2$dist$f_notdrift_parameters

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining Model 3 - f is drifting, p is not drifting.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `p_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s).
p_dist_model_3 <- matrix(c(0,   0.1,  0.3,  0.6,
                           0.4, 0,    0.1,  0.5,
                           0.4, 0.3,  0,    0.3,
                           0.9, 0.01, 0.09, 0),
                         ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# `f_dist` has the same dimensions as in Model 1: (s, s, d + 1).
f_dist_model_3 <- array(c(f_dist_1, f_dist_2), dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist_pars` has the same dimensions as in Model 1: (s, s, 2, d + 1).
f_dist_pars_model_3 <- array(c(f_dist_1_pars_1, f_dist_1_pars_2,
                               f_dist_2_pars_1, f_dist_2_pars_2),
                             dim = c(s, s, 2, d + 1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parametric object for Model 3.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_par_model_3 <- parametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 10000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3),
    degree = d,
    p_dist = p_dist_model_3,
    f_dist = f_dist_model_3,
    f_dist_pars = f_dist_pars_model_3,
    p_is_drifting = FALSE,
    f_is_drifting = TRUE

# p drifting array.
p_notdrift <- obj_par_model_3$dist$p_notdrift

# f distribution.
f_dist_drift <- obj_par_model_3$dist$f_drift_parametric

# parameters for the f distribution.
f_dist_pars_drift <- obj_par_model_3$dist$f_drift_parameters

# ===========================================================================
# Parametric estimation using methods corresponding to an object
#     which inherits from the class `dsmm_parametric`.
# ===========================================================================

### Comments
### 1.  Using a larger `klim` and a larger `model_size` will increase the
###     accuracy of the model, with the need of larger memory requirements
###     and computational cost.
### 2.  For the parametric estimation it is recommended to use a common set
###     of distributions while only the parameters are drifting. This results
###     in higher accuracy.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining the distributions for Model 1 - both p and f are drifting.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `p_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, d + 1).
# First matrix.
p_dist_1 <- matrix(c(0,   0.2, 0.4, 0.4,
                     0.5, 0,   0.3, 0.2,
                     0.3, 0.4, 0,   0.3,
                     0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Second matrix.
p_dist_2 <- matrix(c(0,   0.3, 0.5, 0.2,
                     0.3, 0,   0.4, 0.3,
                     0.5, 0.3, 0,   0.2,
                     0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0),
                   ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# get `p_dist` as an array of p_dist_1 and p_dist_2.
p_dist_model_1 <- array(c(p_dist_1, p_dist_2), dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist` has dimensions of: (s, s, d + 1).
# We will use the same sojourn time distributions.
f_dist_1 <- matrix(c( NA,        "unif",   "dweibull", "nbinom",
                     "geom",      NA,      "pois",     "dweibull",
                     "dweibull", "pois",    NA,        "geom",
                     "pois",     'nbinom', "geom",      NA),
                   nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# get `f_dist`
f_dist_model_1 <- array(f_dist_1, dim = c(s, s, d + 1))

# `f_dist_pars` has dimensions of: (s, s, 2, d + 1).
# First array of coefficients, corresponding to `f_dist_1`.
# First matrix.
f_dist_1_pars_1 <- matrix(c(NA,  7,  0.4, 4,
                            0.7, NA, 5,   0.6,
                            0.2, 3,  NA,  0.6,
                            4,   4,  0.4, NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
# Second matrix.
f_dist_1_pars_2 <- matrix(c(NA,  NA,  0.2, 0.6,
                            NA,  NA,  NA,  0.8,
                            0.6, NA,  NA,  NA,
                            NA,  0.3, NA,  NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)

# Second array of coefficients, corresponding to `f_dist_2`.
# First matrix.
f_dist_2_pars_1 <- matrix(c(NA,  6,  0.5, 3,
                            0.5, NA, 4,   0.5,
                            0.4, 5,  NA,  0.7,
                            6,   5,  0.7, NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
# Second matrix.
f_dist_2_pars_2 <- matrix(c(NA,  NA,  0.4, 0.5,
                            NA,  NA,  NA,  0.6,
                            0.5, NA,  NA,  NA,
                            NA,  0.4, NA,  NA),
                          nrow = s, ncol = s, byrow = TRUE)
# Get `f_dist_pars`.
f_dist_pars_model_1 <- array(c(f_dist_1_pars_1, f_dist_1_pars_2,
                               f_dist_2_pars_1, f_dist_2_pars_2),
                             dim = c(s, s, 2, d + 1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defining the parametric object for Model 1.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

obj_par_model_1 <- parametric_dsmm(
    model_size = 4000,
    states = states,
    initial_dist = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0),
    degree = d,
    p_dist = p_dist_model_1,
    f_dist = f_dist_model_1,
    f_dist_pars = f_dist_pars_model_1,
    p_is_drifting = TRUE,
    f_is_drifting = TRUE

cat("The object has class of (",
           collapse = ', '), ").")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generating a sequence from the parametric object.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# A larger klim will lead to an increase in accuracy.
klim <- 20
sim_seq <- simulate(obj_par_model_1, klim = klim, seed = 1)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fitting the generated sequence under the same distributions.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

fit_par_model1 <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sim_seq,
                           states = states,
                           degree = d,
                           f_is_drifting = TRUE,
                           p_is_drifting = TRUE,
                           estimation = 'parametric',
                           f_dist = f_dist_model_1)

cat("The object has class of (",
           collapse = ', '), ").")

cat("\nThe estimated parameters are:\n")

Simulate a sequence given a drifting semi-Markov kernel.


Generic function that simulates a sequence under the rule of a drifting semi-Markov kernel. The number of simulated states is nsim, while the kernel is retrieved from the object obj via inheritance from the S3 class dsmm.


## S3 method for class 'dsmm'
  nsim = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  max_seq_length = NULL,
  klim = 100,



An object of S3 class dsmm, dsmm_fit_nonparametric, dsmm_nonparametric, dsmm_fit_parametric or dsmm_parametric.


Optional. An integer specifying the number of simulations to be made from the drifting semi-Markov kernel. The maximum value of nsim is the model size which is specified in obj. This is also the default value. We define a special case for nsim = 0, where only the initial distribution is considered and only the simulation of its sojourn time will be made, without the next state.


Optional. An integer specifying the initialization of the random number generator.


Optional. A positive integer that will ensure the simulated sequence will not have a maximum total length greater than max_seq_length (however, it is possible for the total length to be less than max_seq_length).


Optional. Positive integer. Passed down to get_kernel for the parametric object, with class dsmm_parametric. Default value is 100100.


Optional. Attributes passed down from the simulate method.


Returns the simulated sequence for the given drifting semi-Markov model. It is a character vector based on nsim simulations, with a maximum length of max_seq_length.

This sequence is not to be confused with the embedded Markov chain. The user can apply the base::rle() function on this simulated sequence, if he wishes to obtain the corresponding embedded Markov chain and the sojourn times.

See Also

About random number generation in R: RNG.

Fitting a model through a sequence from this function: fit_dsmm.

For the theoretical background of drifting semi-Markov models: dsmmR.

For obtaining the lengths and values of equals values in a vector: rle.


# Setup.
sequence <- create_sequence("DNA", len = 1000)
states <- sort(unique(sequence))
d <- 1
obj_model_3 <- fit_dsmm(sequence = sequence,
                        states = states,
                        degree = d,
                        f_is_drifting = TRUE,
                        p_is_drifting = FALSE)

# Using the method `simulate.dsmm()`.
simulated_seq <- simulate(obj_model_3, seed = 1)
short_sim <- simulate(obj = obj_model_3, nsim = 10, seed = 1)
cut_sim <- simulate(obj = obj_model_3, max_seq_length = 10, seed = 1)

# To obtain the embedded Markov chain (EMC) and the corresponding sojourn times
# of any simulated sequence, we can simply use the `base::rle()` function.

sim_seq_emc <- base::rle(cut_sim)$values # embedded Markov chain
sim_seq_sojourn_times <- base::rle(cut_sim)$lengths # sojourn times
cat("Start of the simulated sequence: ", head(cut_sim),
    "...\nThe embedded Markov chain:       ", head(sim_seq_emc),
    "...\nThe sojourn times:               ", head(sim_seq_sojourn_times), "...")